Publikationen – Machteld Simoens

Simoens, M. (2024). Unpacking pathways to a circular economy: A study of packaging innovations in Germany. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 47, 267-277.

Leipold, S.; Luo, A.; Simoens, M.; Helander, H.; Petit-Boix, A. (2024). Can we talk? Disrupting science circles with narrative-led dialogs. Environmental Science & Policy, 153, 103683.

Yalcin, N.G.; Ampe, K.; Simoens, M. (2024). Closing-down the debate instead of the loops? A nuanced consideration of established actors in the circular economy. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 203, 107445

Ejderyan, O. et al. (2024). Innovation for sustainability transformation : Exploring fields of tension. GAIA- Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society, 33 (2), 256-258.

Leipold, S. et al. (2023). Lessons, narratives, and research directions for a sustainable circular economy. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 27 (1), 6-18.

Simoens, M. (2022). A discursive perspective on socio-technical sustainability transitions: insights from the German packaging sector. Freidoc.

Simoens, M., Leipold, S. & Fuenfschilling, L. (2022). Locked in Unsustainability? Understanding lock-ins and their interactions using the case of food packaging. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 45, 14-29.

Simoens, M, Fuenfschilling, L. & Leipold, S. (2022). Discursive dynamics and lock-ins in socio-technical systems: an overview and a way forward. Sustainability Science 17 (5), 1841-1853

Leipold, S. & Simoens, M. (2022). Nachhaltige Bioökonomie und Kreislaufwirtschaft: Neues Drehbuch für die Transformation. In Wandlungsfähig: Das Potenzial transformativer Umweltpolitik. 71-76. Politische ökologie.

Simoens, M. & Leipold, S. (2021). Trading radical for incremental change: The politics of a circular economy transition in the German packaging sector. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, 23(6), 822-836.