Dr. Svitlana Shcherbak
Walter Benjamin Forschungsstipendiat mit dem Schwerpunkt Modernisierung Theorie und die politische Vorstellungskraft
Walter Benjamin Research Fellow, specializing in modernization theory and the political imagination
Aktuelles Forschungsprojekt | Current Research Project
- Modernisierungstheorie: Zwischen Wissenschaft und Politik. Der Fall Russland | Modernization Theory: Between Science and Politics. Case of Russia (Kurzbeschreibung | Project Description)
Forschungsinteressen | Research interests
- Modernisierungs-Theorie | Modernization theory
- Die Beziehung zwischen Wirtschaft und Politik | The relationship between economy and politics
- Demokratie und ihre Verzerrungen (Populismus, plebiszitäre Demokratie, epistemische Demokratie) | Democracy and its distortions (populism, plebiscitary democracy, epistemic democracy)
- Politische Transformationen in den postsowjetischen Staaten | Political transformations of the post-Soviet states
- Wissenschaft und die politische Vorstellungskraft | Science and the political imagination
Raum: | Theaterstraße 75, Raum 001 |
Sprechstunde: | Online nach Absprache über E-Mail |
Email: | Svitlana.shcherbak@ipw.rwth-aachen.de |
Recent publications
Shcherbak S. (2023) „Modernization“ as a social imaginary: methodological notes (in Ukrainian). Philosophical Thought, No. 4 (58-72), https://doi.org/10.15407/fd2023.04.058.
Shcherbak S. (2023) Studying Populism: A Theoretical Framework and the Case of Ukraine. Ideology and Politics, 1 (22), 1-16. DOI:10.36169/2227-6068.2023.01.00004.
Shcherbak S. (2023) Deliberative Discourse as a Response to the Crisis of Liberal Democracy (in Ukrainian). In: Discursive Practices of Deliberative Democracy in Ukrainian Society. Kyiv: Naukova Dumka, pp. 95-143.
Kiryukhin D., Shcherbak S. (2022) The People, Values and the State: How Vladimir Putin’s Views on Ideology Evolved. Studia Politica, vol. XXII, no. 1, 9-33.
Shcherbak S. (2021) Populism in Global Times: The Revival of Community. In: Community and Tradition in Global Times, edited by D. Kiryukhin. Cultural Heritage and Contemporary Change Series IVA. Eastern and Central European Philosophical Studies, Volume 59. Washington, DC: The Council for Research in Values and Philosophy. P. 11-41.
Shcherbak, S. (2021). Max Weber and the Modern Plebiscitary Democracy: Weber’s legacy: at the crossroads of traditions (In Ukrainian). Philosophical Thought, (1), 135–148. https://doi.org/10.15407/fd2021.01.135
Shcherbak S. (2021) European Values and the Relationship between Democratization and Economic Development. In: Socio-Philosophical Problems of Modernization of Ukrainian Society from the Perspective of European Values (in Ukrainian). Kyiv: Naukova Dumka.
Shcherbak, S. (2020). Populism from the perspective of political philosophy: Current issues of modern political philosophy and ethno-national studies (In Ukrainian). Philosophical Thought, (3), 61–78. https://doi.org/10.15407/fd2020.03.061.
Shcherbak S. (2018) The Modernization Hypothesis and Neoliberalism (in Russian). The Russian Sociological Review. Vol.17. №3. P. 291-328.
Shcherbak S. (2018) Demodernization or the Internal Tensions of Modernity? (in Russian). Ideology and Politics, № 1(9), P. 17-78.
Shcherbak S. (2016) Intersubjectivity as Equality and Reciprocity. Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Philosophy. Political science, 3(122), 36-40.
Shcherbak S. (2015) Multiple modernities or variety of the modern forms? (In Ukrainian) Actual problems of spirituality: Collection of scientific papers. Issue 16: Kryvyi Rih: SHEI „KNU“, 135-148.
Shcherbak S. (2013) Value and Normative Justification and the Methodology of the Social Sciences (In Ukrainian). In: Value and Normative Justification of Social Theories. Kyiv. Naukova Dumka Publishing House, 75-104.
Shcherbak S. (2013) Nationalism and problems of social integration in Ukraine (In Russian). In: Crisis of multiculturalism and problems of national policy. Moscow: Ves’ Mir Publishing House, 219-236.